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Local Domestic and Family Violence Services

Local Domestic and Family Violence Services

Far West Indigenous Family Violence Service

The Far West Indigenous Family Violence Service (FWIFVS) supports people in the Paroo and Bulloo Shires, as well as Charleville, St George and surrounding areas.

FWIFVS aims to increase access to services and improve the safety and wellbeing of people and families that have experienced or are experiencing Domestic and Family Violence.

What we do:
  • provide information and advice
  • work with families to develop a ‘Safety Plan’
  • make all necessary referrals to support families as required
  • offer a strictly confidential service
  • assist families in their homes and at court
  • assist with Crisis Payment application process
  • provide emergency transport and accommodation
  • advocate on behalf of clients with other agencies
  • promote awareness and education of domestic and family violence.

For further information or to book an appointment please contact CACH Community Support Services on 4655 0578

Take the Pledge

Strong Families Strong Community

The Strong Families Strong Community program provides services to men, women and families dealing with domestic and family violence (DFV); they may have multiple and complex needs.

Our overall aim is to reduce DFV and improve family dynamics by providing culturally appropriate support and interventions.

Strong Families Strong Community offers the following programs:

Women's Circle

The Women’s Circle Project provides support to women who have been victims of DFV, are at risk of becoming victims, and those women who have become socially isolated as a result of DFV.

The regular sessions involve art and craft activities as well as health and wellbeing sessions. We provide our clients with a safe, social and supportive environment that promotes resilience, self-confidence and self-respect. Importantly, our Women’s Circle is a local support base for vulnerable women in our community.

The Women's Circle meets twice a week and new members are always welcome.

To join the program, call CACH Community Support Services on (07) 4655 0578

Cultural Reflections Program
(men and boys)

The Cultural Reflections program takes men and boys onto Country, on day trips and for overnight camps. Participants are reintroduced to Culture by walking on traditional lands.

This program promotes healthy relationships, healthy lifestyles, builds individual and community resilience, and helps to establish a local support base for men and boys in our community.

Cultural Reflections participants meet weekly or more often if required. New members are welcome.

To join the program, call Cheesy (Lawrence Anderson) on

0436 670 496.

Mentoring Program (young people)

Cunnamulla school students participate in a weekly mentoring program where they spend time with selected community members who offer guidance and understanding. Students feel safe and supported to share their concerns and ideas about what’s happening in their lives and across their community.